Sunday, November 21, 2010

The aftermath of the ice.

Word count: 33,735.
Should be at: 35,007.

I would have loved to get to 35,000 tonight but alas, it does not feel doable if I am also going to wash the dishes and get into bed by midnight. I worked all day which was heinous. When I walked outside to my car there was a parking lot of ice leading to my car which also had ice on it. Whenever I have to drive to the restaurant in bad weather I think to myself, if I die going on my way to waitress, I will haunt that place for the rest of my life. Last week we ran out of the house tea that we brew; I missed that whole episode thankfully because apparently customers actually cried. I can't even begin to imagine what goes in one's head if that's your reaction to not being able to get tea. I joke that it's like crack but apparently it truly is. It wasn't as lucrative of a day as I had hoped but what can you do. I can pay the rent so life will go on.

I only have a little over a week to finish the novel. It's getting a bit difficult but I'm going to struggle through. I would feel like a total asshole if I didn't finish on time now.

One of the kids that I worked with in L.A. facebooked me and I was looking through some of her friends for other kids and I saw one of them that I wonder about the most. I almost started crying I was so relieved to see that she's alive. I would not be at all surprised if at least one of those kids I worked with was dead. There's several that I worry about whenever they cross my mind. I would love to know how they are but at the same time, if it's bad, it would break my heart to know. That was easily my favorite job that I've had. Well, besides Dairy Queen.
Obviously both for different reasons.

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