Friday, November 19, 2010

The little engine that could, maybe

Word count: 30,193
Should be at: 31,673

Well, look at this way, I passed 30,000. That was the best I could do in 15 minutes.

Do you know that it feels impossible to finish a novel in a month when you have two jobs, have to go to the gym enough to have your insurance pay part of it, and have a life? I literally have the next five days packed pretty full. Of course I could have stayed home tonight to write but nooo, I had to go see 127 Hours on the day that it opened here. In my defense I have been wanting to go to a movie for awhile. It was amazing. I love Danny Boyle. And James Franco was awesome. I mean he had to carry that whole movie basically and he pulled it off. No pun intended. The arm amputation wasn't too bad. Said the girl who sat through Hostel and Hostel Two (and am probably a worse person for having seen both). Seriously though, by amputation time you just want so badly for this guy to get out. And it's not like they stay on it the entire time, there's some split screen and cut aways. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't glance away a few times.

And while I would love to go on or write more, I have to waitress at eight in the morning. Neat.
Here's hoping that freezing rain in the forecast doesn't hit until later! Oh well, it could be worse. I could have to cut off my own arm after drinking my own urine.

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