Monday, November 8, 2010

All work and no play...

Word count: 12,082.
Should be at: 13,328, but I refuse to panic.

I refuse to panic because Monday is what we call Ladies Night and I knew that going into today that I wouldn't get as much done, just like I know that the same thing will happen tomorrow because tomorrow I go to watch Parenthood at Cindi's house with a couple of other co-workers. I have to hit the gym too in my dream to get to 150 pounds. My plan was to dedicate Wednesday night to finishing unpacking/decorating and pounding out a bunch of words. But after a good conversation with my friend Cristin tonite I decided to give this guy another shot and texted him and theatretically we'll get together later that night. I'll just have to, let's see, not necessarily pick my battles, but arrange them accordingly. Meaning I have all day Sunday off so I can always allocate finishing apartment touches until then and put all extra time upcoming towards writing.

I was a little worried about Ladies Nite because the plan was to go to Claire's house and her ma was going to be there, and Angela was bringing her ma as well. I was concerned because I think about my own mom daily regardless but lately she's been more on my mind. I don't believe that I ever need to get over her being gone; I don't think when she was still here that she had ever gotten over hers being gone. For me it comes and gos how much it affects me. And this year it will be ten years since she left so I'm going to struggle.

Anyway the point is, I was worried about tonight but it ended up going really well. I had a good time. I was sitting at the end of the table at one point; half of us were talking about using Pop Rocks in certain ways to our advantage and after a bit of that I paused to check what the other end of the table which included the two moms were disucssing, and as it turned out the subject was dating older men which is what I'm currently trying to do.

It was an odd but good minute of my life.

Song of the day: "Monster" by Kanye West et all.

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