Thursday, November 18, 2010

The plot thickens, or at least the word count does

Word count: 29,683.
Should be at: 29,988
Words short: 305. Boo-yah.

I really need to decorate my apartment. I have of all of this stuff to put up. Also my desk is wobbly. I don't think it's about to collapse or anything but if anyone came up to me and said what can I furnish in your apartment for you? I would say a nice, sturdy desk and a good TV watching chair. I would say a couch but it would have to be a small couch. Maybe a chair big enough for two people. Just enough room for me and my imaginary boyfriend! Maybe I can find a boyfriend with a spare couch. I mean I've waited this long to go looking for one actively, may as well throw some criteria in there. The basic criteria for now is "must have a job and not have a drinking problem." Setting the bar pretty high here. Also he needs to put forth effort. The last one I was trying to date has not passed that test and thus my co-worker Megan has informed that I am not allowed to contact him.

I can't believe that I've written almost 30,000 words. That's nuts. Now that I've trained myself to set aside a block of time for writing it makes me a bit annoyed with myself that I didn't do it earlier. What I should do is make a list of what I can accomplish with that hour once this novel is done. Actually I have another idea for a novel! I would've written that one but the website suggests not writing anything that you've worked on before so you don't nitpick over it. Which makes sense. I like what I'm writing but if I have a nervous breakdown and end up writing a bunch of s*** to fill pages it won't be as big of a deal. I stated reading it tonight, I read like two pages. Part of me wants to go back and read the whole thing but I feel like that would spell disaster. Also, it would take me a long time, at least long enough to distract me from writing more. And I can't even pick up Anna Karenina which I've been reading for like, oh, almost half a year now since I haven't read it in like two months. Stupid Stieg Larsson and his books took over my reading life for a couple of months. I know I shouldn't speak ill of the dead. Lisbeth Salander is fabulous character. I could only hope to write someone half as awesome as her.

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