Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I unpacked my kitchen.

Word count: 4463. This is 535 words short of where I should be on Day 3. But I figured I shouldn't rigidly follow it. Yet still I calculate. I fell way short yesterday but I had to vote (why everyone else in the world didn't also vote angers me) and give blood. I don't mind giving blood. The guy who took it was the same guy as when I went last time. Whenever I have my blood pressure taken I remember when I was 15 and in day treatment for depression. They took our blood pressure like, twice every day which made no sense to me. I was there for mental health, not actual health. I suppose it was nice for them to care about my physical health since I wanted nothing to do with myself. Anyway, my point (I have one) was that I shouldn't get down on myself if I don't make 1666 words everyday. And since the days of multiple blood pressure I prefer to not get down on myself. Besides I need to leave a large chunk of missing words for the end of the month so I can freak out about the deadline.

Today at work my office mate had to close her door for a meeting. I then, of course, had to go to the bathroom about five minutes later so I kept waiting for my boss to come back from lunch. Of course when she did everything in the free world started happening so I couldn't get away and then by the time she came back in, the coffee delivery guy had come and she knows me well enough to know that I would not be leaving the office until he was gone.
She's a good boss.

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