Monday, November 22, 2010

Breaking in the smoke detector

Word count: 35,082.
Should be at: 36,674.

The nutty news is that I'm at 35,000 words. That's just crazytown. It's equally nutty that I have eight days in which to get to 50,000 but it's starting to actually seem doable. I'm starting to be proud of myself, quite frankly. I also have my plan for December which is to get a 60 page poetry manuscript compiled to send off to a local press. And then after that I can start another novel! These things sound strange to say but also, quite doable. Plus if I put out into the universe (well, this blog anyway) that I want to do them if I go back on it I look like a lazy jerk. Nothing like a little emotional blackmail on yourself!

The girls came over for dinner. It was good. And my friend Laura, who has become my official hair cutter, gave my bangs a much-needed trim. They hadn't been cut since right before my brother's wedding. They were getting in my eyes. I would cut them myself but anyone who knows me and knows of the disaster that was the haircut I gave myself freshman year of college knows that I have been scared straight of cutting my hair, even if it's just the bangs. I can't lie though, that was one of my favorite haircuts. I'm sure my parents would disagree. Although at least I was smart enough to do it in like Februray so by the time I got home for the summer it had pretty much grown back. Good times, good times.

And now I'm going to be a grown up and get into bed by 11:00. The craziness is never ending, I tell you. Also tomorrow I am going to see Nick Cave in person. Nick Cave is an amazing musician and he wrote The Proposition which was a great movie. I'm pretty psyched. I need to look good in case my soul mate happens to be there. I'm always on the look-out for a good opp for a "how we met" story. Since checking out guys at the gym hasn't been working. Although I would love to be able to say, "Oh, we met at the gym" because those are words I wouldn't even imagine myself saying...right, right, bedtime.

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